You suck at segues.
So I was eyeballing this giraffe right? And you may wonder how that was possible well it’s because it was a baby giraffe and those are above 6 feet tall. And I’m 6'3", a legit 6'3", don’t test me because I WILL dunk on you. You wouldn’t see it coming because I shoot right handed but I dunk one handed with the left, try guarding that. But don’t be like my dude back in the day who tried to defend it and made me drive my forearm into his nose, making his nose stud cut up the inside of his nose. And who wears a stud in their nose anyways? So very ‘90's. That was the best decade for hip hop if you ask me. I remember seeing that Company Flow End to End burners video. Great graffiti animation in the subway. Subways are great for public transportation. We need better forms of public transportation. Whatever happened to the Segway? Anyone still riding that? My balance is suspect so I’m not sure I’d master it.
I suck at Segways.